Saturday, February 2, 2013


  • Proximity

When elements of a piece are placed closer together to complete composition this is known as proximity. If the elements, in this case the circles, were arranged differently the piece would have a different feeling and look. This piece feels balanced to me, it slowly fades from solid pink to white by the proximity of the bubbles.

  • Repetition (emphasis on similarity)

Repetition is the repeated element in a piece of art, in this piece it is the spheres aligned in a row. One great thing that the repetition in this piece adds to the competition is it creates a depth of field.  Some piece that use the same element for repetition seem too obvious to me, like blocks of different faces, or straight rows, what I loved about this piece is it adds to the competition rather than commanding it. 

  • Repetition (emphasis on variety)

Like the image of the repeating spheres this image is also one of repetition, however, the elements in the image are not quite the same. The different patters on the butterfly shape adds variety but still keeps the unifying look of repetition. 

  • Continuation

When a line flows through a design the piece has continuation, in this piece that line is the railing of a stairwell. The angle the image was captured is interesting and adds a unique look to the image as a whole, it almost appears to be like an eye. 

  • The grid as organizing factor

Elements of a piece are aligned in rows and columns and together this creates the composition of the piece of grid art. This piece of art combines many layers of grids to create the image of a person sitting, the way the grid is set up creates a 3D effect.

  • An example of a chaotic, unreadable image

The lines on this image are so chaotic it doesn't immediately make you see a face, but the artist somehow manage to create one within all the "scribbles". All the elements of this piece come together nicely even though there is so much going on. 

  • An example of a non-objective expression of unity

This image could also be used as an example of proximity but to me I think it is a good representation of non- objective or abstract art. The colors and different shapes look chaotic and explosive but unite into one piece and work well. 

  • An example of a figurative expression of unity

Expressionism is an art style about emotions, it is portrayed as an exaggerated or distorted realism to provoke the emotion the artist is trying to express. I really loved this image because of the colors but mostly because of the element of music. Music is something that is universal and even if you cant understand the lyrics you can still feel the message; its a universal outlet for expressing oneself. 

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